Skimlinks Test 7

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Lavender Frankincense Face & Body Oil

Winter skin sucks.  There I said it.  Dry, cracked skin that no amount of lotion seems to remedy. My skin...well, we won't go into details, but it isn't pretty.  Flakes, lots of flakes. But it's also oily.  Like oil slick shiny. See the problem I have here?

So why would I want to wash my face with oil?  I mean, this sounds the opposite of everything I've been taught about cleansing before.  I'm typically trying to remove the excess oils from my skin. Why would I want to wash with them?

I had a wonderful friend share with me this idea a few years ago.  She knew I was using essential oils and thought I would be interested in learning more about the idea of washing my face oils.

I must admit I was a bit skeptical at first, but after I did a little research it made sense. When we wash our skin with soap, it removes the excess oils from the surface (hence that tight, dry feeling) but then our skin kicks into high gear and starts over-producing oils to replace what was just lost, then creating even oilier skin. It made sense for how I have battled with my skin for years.  

After trying this method, I find my skin to look healthier, brighter, and better moisturized!  It's never greasy when washed properly (I'll explain in a moment) and after finding the right combo of oils, my skin has never looked better.  My 30 year old skin feels like it's in it's 20' if only the rest of my body did too! ha!

Essential Oils

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Time to find the right balance.  Before I talk about the essential oils in this recipe, I need to discuss the cleansing oils.  There are so many oils that are great for the do you know which one is right for you?  Basically that comes down to research.

Here's what I've discovered:
  • Argan Oil- absorbs quickly, non-greasy, moisturizing, & fantastic for all skin types.
  • Sweet Almond Oil- for oily skin types, lightly moisturizing, & keeps skin clear.
  • Macadamia Nut Oil- strong nutty smell, for dry skin types.
  • Jojoba Oil- Holds in moisture. Best used in small amounts with another oil.
How do you know which one to choose?

So again, this is a bit of trial and error.  I have combination skin so I needed to moisturize while avoiding shiny skin. I started with Macadamia Nut oil, but found that I didn't care for the nutty scent.  Maybe I used too much or something, but I personally didn't like it.  I know many people who use it (probably in very small amounts) and love it!  So don't write it off!

I really felt that argan oil was going to be my best choice and I love sweet almond oil for applying my essential oils so those are the two I chose in the end!  It's turned out to be the best combo and keeps my combination skin perfectly balanced!

For Combination Skin:

For young, soothing skin:
15 drops Lavender Essential Oil
15 drops Frankincense Essential Oil

Healthy, radiant, fresh skin:
10 drops Lavender Essential Oil
10 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil
10 drops Geranium Essential Oil

Essential Oils

Now to the important part...

How do you wash your face with oils?

So the last thing you want to do when washing your face with oils is:
  1. Use a lot of water
  2. Wipe your face.
Water and oil obviously don't mix, so washing like you might typically do with a cleanser just won't work.  Wiping will also irritate the skin and the oils won't adequately absorb into your skin.

Follow my simple step-by-step technique:
  1. Apply a dime-sized amount of oil in your hands.  Gently rub all over your face.  If wearing make-up, be careful when applying to your eye area that it does not enter your eyes.
  2. Warm a wash cloth under warm water.  Wring out any excess water and gently pat your face.
  3. Rinse washcloth and repeat until all excess oil is removed, but skin feels moisturized.
  4. Rinse washcloth for a final time under cold water and pat face to close pores and seal in the moisture.

It's a simple technique that is great for your skin and keeping you healthy all winter long!

Aren't into DIY?  You can purchase a bottle of my Combination Skin recipe here!

Thanks for reading!


  1. I'm always looking for new ways to use my Young Living essential oils. Fantastic post! Thank you!

    1. Thanks Valerie! I use this daily and it's so great for my skin!


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