Skimlinks Test 7

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Daily Goal Tracker

Now that the new year has begun, we're busy setting goals to accomplish and working even harder to keep them!  Keeping them is always my biggest struggle.

Track your goals for the new year!


I've found that writing them down not only allows me to come back and re-visit my goals, but also allows me to make adjustments, track my successes (and failures), and keeps me accountable.

I've created this cute goal tracker to help keep you meeting your goals week after week!  I keep mine on my fridge so each morning I can see the task I need to complete that day and easily check it off before heading to bed that night!  Plus, I can also see when I didn't complete my goal (eek!) and easily make changes for the rest of the week!

Track your goals for the new year!

So make those goals, tell some friends, and let's make 2017 a happy & healthy year!

Thanks for reading,

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