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Friday, December 30, 2016

How-To Set Goals For The New Year...And Keep Them!

There's a lot of talk around New Year's about resolutions- go to the gym more, eat healthy, spend more time with family, lose weight- the usual talk of bettering ourselves and improving upon things we believed we failed at in the past year or adapting new behaviors we think will make our life easier or "better".

While I think making changes is a good thing, making "resolutions" and keeping them can be extremely difficult without a few important steps.  I like to call mine "goals" instead of resolutions. Mainly because resolving to make changes sets me up for disappointment. Setting obtainable goals allows for some flexibility and the ability to adjust the goals if there needs to be some changes.  Here are my steps for creating obtainable goals and what steps you can take to reach your goals each day/week/month or year!

  1. Write them down. This may seem obvious, but writing them down is so important! 
  2. We need accountability.  Creating goals is easy, but actually making the changes can be hard when no one else knows we're making them!  Share your goals for the year or even just that day.  Trust me, friends will ask if you accomplished them.  Share them with a few close friend whether through facebook, text, blog-anyway to let others know!
  3. Create easy-to-reach goals that lead to a larger accomplishment. For example, "I will work out more" and "Get rockin' hard abs" is too broad.  Instead say, "I will go to the gym 3 days/week for 1 hour".  You can then reassess at the end of the week to see if you accomplished that goal.  "Did I go 3 days this week?  Yes, my abs are totally rockin'!"
  4. Write down "Big" dreams for the new year.  That may seem like a contradiction to my last point, but I believe it's important to dream!  We never know where our small accomplishments may lead us. Those little goals and steps can lead to really big and wonderful things! 

What are my goals for 2017?

I like to break my goals down into different areas of my life- family, friends, blog, etc. So for accountability's sake, I'm sharing a few of my goals for 2017! (This are not my full list, but just a few to inspire and get you headed in the right direction!)

  • No "screen time" during hours my children are home from school. (This will be the most difficult-obvious adjustment will be needed during the Summer!!)
  • One Family Night Out activity each month.
  • Pray over my children every morning.
  • Create a chore plan for both Corinne and Nora.
  • Monday: Brainstorm and plan recipe post.
  • Tuesday: Make, photograph, and edit new post.
  • Wednesdays: Upload, post, and share new posts on social media.
  • Fridays: Share other bloggers projects and promote relevant work.
  • Post a personal story at least once during the year.
Young Living Business:
  • Reach out to one team member each week.
  • Post one relevant topic per week on my business Facebook page.
  • Research and educate myself on one oil or product for each month (write down what oil/product on calendar).
  • Turn off the T.V. and go upstairs to bed each night @ 10pm. Exception: 1 night/week for "date night" with hubby.
  • Wake up @ 6:45 each morning.  Get dressed, make-up, etc. before kids get up.
  • Pray, read, or enjoy quiet time before kids come downstairs @ 7:30.
  • Go to gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Do physical therapy stretches at home on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
  • Plan a cleaning schedule for each week and stick to it. Go through each closet and get rid of clothing not worn within the past year.

Big Dreams:
  • Earn an extra $          each month through blogging & connecting others with essential oils.
  • Travel to the West Coast.
  • Provide a month of financial support to a family in need.

Goal setting can be a lot of fun!  I love having some reachable goals and big dreams.  It gets the year off to an exciting start and helps me look forward to the new year ahead!

If you want to get your year off to an organized start, check out the Conquer Your Clutter Super Bundle! For $29.97, you receive 38 ebooks, ecourses, and printables with organizing tips and tricks from top bloggers in their field!  But it's only available for 6 days, until 11:59 pm, January 30th, so hop on this amazing deal quick!

CLICK HERE for my cute, FREE printable for keeping track of your goals all year!

What goals are you going to set for 2017?!!

As always, thanks for reading!  Have a very happy & healthy New Year!

Like what you see?  Follow me on FacebookInstagram & Pinterest!

1 comment:

  1. I love the balance in your goal list for 2017. I love your blogging goals. I need to do something like this too!
    Happy New Year!


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